How To Prepare for Your New Baby When You Live in a Small Space

If you’re pregnant and preparing for the arrival of your first baby congratulations! A new baby will bring many changes to your life. One of the biggest is something many soon-to-be parents don’t think about as much as they should; the lack of space. You might not have a lot of extra space when your new baby arrives. Here’s how to face the challenges when you have a baby in a small space:

Babies Take Up a Small Amount of Space But Their Stuff Doesn’t!

A tiny little baby doesn’t take up a whole lot of space, but all their stuff does. You’ll need as much extra space as possible to store it, hang it, and set it up. Cribs, baby swings, changing tables, and high chairs take up all sorts of space.

Of course, just because the baby’s arriving soon doesn’t mean that your city life is over, far from it. There are many ways to make small apartments work even when your bundle of joy comes with extra baggage!

Your Home Today Probably Won’t Be Your Forever Home

If you don’t have enough space, the place you’re living today probably won’t be where you live forever. You might be renting a small apartment in the big city because that’s where your job happens to be. This isn’t a situation that’s likely to go on forever.

Wherever you are today with your new baby (and all their stuff), you likely won’t be there (in that small space) forever so don’t freak out too much about not having enough space.

baby near a floor to ceiling window overlooking the city in small space apartment

The Solution to a Small Space When Baby Arrives

Whether you’re in the city, suburbs or even out in the country, if you don’t have enough room for all your own stuff and the stuff for your new baby, there are several things you can do to temporarily solve the problem.

  1. Store all of your extra stuff in your garage, attic or basement
  2. Ask a neighbor with extra space to store some of your things for you temporarily
  3. Rent a self-storage unit and store your extra stuff there.

What To Do About Baby’s Room When You Don’t Have A Lot Of Space

Most new parents look forward to setting up a room for their first baby but, if you don’t have an extra room in your home or apartment, doing that can be a bit of a challenge. A crib and changing table don’t take up a huge amount of space though, luckily, and you can even fit a rocking chair and ottoman with them into a small-ish room if needed. Here are a few tips for setting up a room for your new baby if space is at a premium.

Tip 1- Downsize your Home Office

If you work from home, sharing your home office for the baby might be the best solution. Moving your desk and computer into the kitchen or living room will give you the space to set up the baby’s new room. Now would be a great time to move an extra desk and filing cabinet into a self-storage unit temporarily. Remember, you won’t be living in the place you’re living now forever, so you’ll get your home office back in due time.

Tip 2- A Large Closet Can Sometimes Suffice

If you have a walk-in closet you could possibly convert that into a temporary baby’s room until you move. It’s easy and convenient! Most walk-in closets are attached to the master bedroom, so your baby will be close by for nightly feeding, changing, cuddling and burping. One thing you could do is take your winter clothes, extra clothes or spring clothes if it’s winter and put them temporarily into your self-storage unit.

Tip 3- Put Baby’s Crib in the Master Bedroom with You

Since you’ll want to be close to your baby over the first few weeks and months of its life, putting the crib and changing table in your master bedroom with you actually makes sense if the room is big enough. You could also, for example, share 1 dresser, vanity or wardrobe and move the others into storage for the time being. (Don’t worry, they’ll be there when you move, clean and in perfect condition.) Having a baby in a small space sometimes means just moving things around each season.

shared master bedroom and crib for new baby -- sharing a small space is doable!

How To Prepare Your Home or Apartment for your First Baby

Many things we take for granted, like plants, electrical outlets, sharp edges, etc. can be dangerous for a baby. They’ll need to be either removed or changed until your new baby is older and wiser.

  • Cabinets should be outfitted with childproof locks or guards
  • Tables, countertops, coffee tables, desks, and other hard-edged corners need bumper guards
  • Electrical outlets need outlet covers
  • Large furniture should be firmly attached to the wall to prevent tipping over
  • Fragile items need to be moved out of baby’s reach

Some of the things you have, like family heirlooms, tables with glass tops, and anything else that might pose a danger to your new baby should probably be removed altogether.

Remember, this is only a temporary situation. Babies grow up fast! Soon enough you’ll be able to get your things out of storage and enjoy them again. When you move to a larger home or even your forever home they will be even more enjoyable.

Bonus Tip- If some of the nice things you own are getting in the way of having space for your first baby, renting a self-storage unit might be a good choice. You don’t have to part with anything! All of your possessions will be safe and secure. When you finally move to a bigger home, you’ll still have it and be able to enjoy everything again without trying to re-buy the things you love!

family cuddling and overlooking a view of the city

Preparing for your first baby if you‘re in a small space can be a challenge. We hope you found some useful tips in this article. Best of luck with your new bundle of joy!